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The 23rd Annual Avalon Underwater Cleanup

Saturday, February 22, 2003
8:30am to 4:00pm

Casino Point, Catalina Island

A time-honored annual event where scuba divers from around the world venture out to clean up the spectacular harbor at Avalon on Catalina Island.

There are great prizes and raffles centered around the event, and it makes for a great dive weekend during the off-peak season.

This event is open to the public. Registration is $30 before 2/1/02 and $40 after.

Participants must be certified scuba divers and are required to fill out a liability waiver before participating in the dive.

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Divers compete for prizes that are awarded and raffled in a ceremony after the dive. The proceeds from the event benefit Catalina Conservancy Divers, a non-profit ecological organization whose mission is to monitor and protect the waters around Catalina Island and support the operation of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber, a life support recompression chamber on Catalina that serves the thousands of divers who frequent the nearby waters.

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