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San Diego Council of Divers meeting

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

The monthly meeting of the San Diego Council of Divers

open to the public

More Info

6:30pm social, 7:00 pm meeting

Sumner Auditorium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Featured Speaker- Bill Wilson of California Wreck Divers

The San Diego Council of Divers is pleased to present Bill Wilson of the

California Wreck Divers as the featured speaker. Bill's exciting and

informative slide show will cover the history and general dive conditions of

various Southern California shipwrecks. Bill will discuss obscure but

diveable wrecks in the San Diego and Los Angeles area. These are all at or

near recreational dive depths.

There will also be a raffle, so bring a few dollars for a chance to win some neat prizes.

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